5 Reasons Why Students Should use Facebook

Hey, students, how is going life in this locked down situation of Coronavirus infection. I Hope, Allah may save us people all over the world. I’m gonna write about 5 important reasons why students should…

Reasons Why Students Should use Facebook

Hey, students, how is going life in this locked down situation of Coronavirus infection. I Hope, Allah may save us people all over the world. I’m gonna write about 5 important reasons why students should use Facebook in their studies.


Facebook is the largest communication and social media worldwide right now. You can make this platform helpful in your study.

Let’s know what are the main reasons you should start using Facebook right now.

1. Communication with Students and Teachers

The main reason behind the foundation of Facebook in 2004, was to communicate with other students. Facebook has now become a common tool for communication worldwide. It has made a large virtual community among the world people over the internet.


We can easily send messages, make a call or share something with anyone from our friendliest. As a student, you have many reasons to communicate with other students in your country as well as worldwide.

Reasons Why Students Should use Facebook

Find your answers

Facebook made it easy to find answers to any question. Sometimes you may have questions about any field of study but you can not find the answer. Just ask the question in your news feed or any student group. It needs no time to get your answers using.

Keep updated with the world

When you are connected with other students at home and abroad, you are always updated with the latest news, information, latest invented information technology and information about your subject.


You can follow news stories, and watch videos shared by news channels or other users.

Create your classmate group

You can create a classmate group to share something and organize meetings. You can share your class notes and find others notes that you need. Make a plan, event or meeting with your Facebook group members.

2. Use educational resources available on Facebook

There are tons of educational resources available on Facebook. Teachers worldwide always keep sharing many educational resources. You can find books, flashcards, notes, course feed and video lessons shared by teachers.


3. An important tool for education

Students can use Facebook as a tool for their class projects or study. It is widely used by teachers and students as a tool.

You can make notes, and reviews of any book and read other’s notes. You can also create a poll to get other’s opinions about something.

Join your subject related groups then you can get regular updated knowledge and information that will help you in your study.

Learn anything you want for free. On Facebook, there are tons of educational content. These are growing every day. You can search for any course and lesson, and you will find many teachers, and groups have already shared knowledge about that.

4. Learn from great educators

There are many great and experienced educators on Facebook. They share knowledge, idea, tips and support for students. You can easily follow them and learn amazing things free of cost. I think this could never be possible offline.

If you’d like to learn something from a tutor or institution, that would be time-consuming and expensive. But, you can learn it from shared resources by great and experienced teachers. This is one of the best advantages of Facebook for students.

5. Find a job

Ultimately you need a job or business, Right? All the multinational and national companies are active on Facebook to hire employees. No companies are out of Facebook at the age of globalization.

Find your target job

Companies, post jobs on Facebook to hire professionals and employees. You can easily search for your preferred jobs and apply. Use the job search app, and find thousands of jobs related to your experience. Choose the jobs and apply. Thus you can find your dream job very fast.

Moreover, you are aware of skills which are valuable and important in the current job market. Then, you have the opportunity to learn various skills here.

Use your Facebook profile as a resume

Nowadays, employers often see job candidates Facebook profiles to select the best one. So, a good and professional profile surely increases your chance to get the job.

Create a professional network

Facebook helps you create a network of professionals. You can connect with other professionals on Facebook. This connection and communication help you find information about jobs, business, skills, ideas, knowledge and suggestion. It will also make your online presence strong.

In conclusion, I would like to suggest students start using Facebook in their education. Though there are some bad and negative effects of using Facebook. But, you need to remember, if we close our door fearing falsehood and bad things, how will the truth and good things enter our room.

So, we must take the advantages and use them for our betterment. Thanks, dear students and keep visiting.


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