HSC Admission 2023-2024 Online Application Process
Here is a complete guide on how to apply online for HSC admission 2023.

HSC online admission process for 2023 will start soon. If you are here to know how to fill up an online admission form for college admission, you are in the right place. The important information is given below.
Update: HSC online admission 2023 will start soon, See HSC Admission Circular here HSC Admission.
Online Application for HSC Admission (1st)
Online Application Starts: 12 May (Maybe)
HSC admission 2023 last date: 23 May (Maybe)
Number of Colleges You can Apply: Minimum 5 and Maximum 10 Colleges
How to Apply Online for HSC Admission 2023
To apply online for HSC admission, pay the application fee through SMS from Teletalk mobile first. Then fill out the online application form selecting 10 colleges you prefer. Finally, submit your HSC Admission form online.
Step 1: Make Payment
You must have a mobile phone with Teletalk SIM for this. At first, you need to make the payment for college application fee. See how to pay …..
1st SMS
Go to Message Option
Type CAD<space>WEB<space>First 3 Letter of Board Name<space>Roll No<space>Passing Year
It looks like CAD WEB DHA 123456 2019
Now send to 16222
In return SMS, you will get a PIN No. Now send 2nd SMS
2nd SMS
Type CAD<space>YES<space>PIN No<space>Student’s Mobile No
It looks like CAD YES 123456789 01818XXXXXX
Now send to 16222
In the returning message, you will get a congratulaton message with the transaction ID. You may need this transaction ID for the online admission form.
Step 2: Fill Up the Application Form
For this step, you need a Smartphone or Computer with an internet connection. First, go to xiclassadmission.gov.bd with Chrome or Firefox internet browser.

Click on Apply Now Button. You can see the following page.

- Give your Roll No and select your Board from where you have passed SSC. Select Passing Year, and give your Registration No.
- Write the Black Number in the box. Then click Next button
Then you will find HSC Online Application Form. It looks like the following:

1. Now, write your mobile number which you wrote in 2nd SMS to make payment.
2. Again put the same number.
3. If you have Quota, tick on the box.
4. At last, click on Next button.
Here, you will find to select your college list. The page looks like below:

1. Here, Select the Board. If you want to apply for Dhaka College which is under Dhaka Board, so you select Dhaka Board.
2. Select District
3. Select Thana
4. Select your college
5. Now select Shift
6. Select Version (Bangla or English)
7. Select Group (Science, Business Studies or Humanities)
8 Select your Quota (If you have one)
9. Governing Body Quota (If you have one)
10. Click on Add This College
Now, your first college of choice will be added. This way, you can add minimum 5 colleges and a maximum of 10 colleges.
Step 3: Preview and Submit the Application Form
After adding colleges, click on Preview Application. Now a pop-up window opens like below. Read the college list again, if everything is ok. Now, click on SUBMIT APPLICATION.

If you need to change or delete colleges, click on CONTINUE TO EDIT. Then you will get a confirmation message.

Now, click on Print Version. Print Preview will open, you can print the page for future use.
HSC Admission 2023 Online Application Guideline