Essay on Coronavirus – Covid-19
Dear students, here I brought a sample essay on Coronavirus for students. I’ll try to share more essays on this topic soon. Lets read the whole essay. Advertisement Essay on Coronavirus COVID-19 or Coronavirus Disease…

Dear students, here I brought a sample essay on Coronavirus for students. I’ll try to share more essays on this topic soon. Lets read the whole essay.
Essay on Coronavirus
COVID-19 or Coronavirus Disease 2019 is a highly infectious respiratory disease. The common symptoms of this disease are high fever, dry cough, tiredness, loss of sense of taste or smell, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. But serious patients may also experience acute shortness of breath and pneumonia.
Aged people and those with underlying medical problems such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, etc. are more likely to develop serious illness. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for COVID-19. Many countries including Bangladesh are on the way to develop vaccines for this virus.
Preventive measures are the best ways to stay safe from COVID-19. We must wear face mask while going out or face a crowd, wash or sanitize our hands frequently, avoid touching face, nose and eyes, cover our face and nose with a tissue or by elbow when sneezing or coughing and maintain at least a distance of 3 meters while confronting people outside.
Besides, we can make our system stronger by following the health rules, taking nutritious food, drink a lot of liquid and doing light exercise. While we are waiting for a cure of COVID-19, we must follow these measures to prevent COVID-19.
How COVID-19 Spreads
COVID-19 is a severe respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus called SARS CoV-2. SARS COV-2 spreads through close contact with an infected person. This virus spreads when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. The virus comes out through the nose and mouth in droplets and if a healthy person inhales the droplets, he or she will be affected too.
The droplets can also sit on the surface of any object as formants. When someone touches that surface with bare hands, the virus gets transmitted to his hands. After that, if the person touches his nose, mouth or eyes, the virus gets into his respiratory system.
After getting infected, a person might remain asymptomatic for several days or weeks. This means that the infected person may not show symptoms of sickness at the beginning. This period is very dangerous because the infected person can unknowingly affect other healthy people.
To avoid infection, social distancing, wearing masks while staying outside, washing hands with soap and water frequently, or cleaning hands with hand sanitizers may help.
Besides, we can make our immune system stronger by following the health rules, taking nutritious food, drink a lot of liquid and doing light exercise. While we are waiting for a cure of COVID-19, we must follow these measures to prevent COVID-19.
COVID-19: Diagnostic Methods
COVID-19 is a severe respiratory disease caused by SARS CoV-2 virus. Basically, there are two dissimilar types of tests for COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests and Antibody Tests. A Diagnostic Test can identify if an individual has an active corona virus infection.
At present, there are two types of Diagnostic Tests-Molecular Tests and Antigen Tests. Molecular Tests tend to find out the genetic material of the virus and are also known as diagnostic test, viral test, nucleic acid amplification test, RT-PCR test, and LAMP test. Antigen Tests reveal specific proteins of the virus.
On the other hand, Antibody Tests attempt to detect antibodies that are generated by an individual’s immune system in response to a viral threat. These tests are also called serology test, serology, blood test, and serological test. Several days or weeks are required to develop antibodies after an infection.
However, at present researchers are not Sure if the presence of antibodies means that an individual is immune to COVID-19 in the future. Generally, Diagnostic Tests are done to detect COVID-19 all over the world.
How to Prevent Coronavirus
COVID-19 is a severe respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus called SARS CoV-2 spreads in tiny droplets through air and touch. A healthy person can get the disease by inhaling the droplets coming out when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or talks. When someone touches a surface containing the virus, the virus gets transmitted to his hands. After that, if the person touches his nose, mouth or eyes, the virus gets into his respiratory system.
To prevent the virus from spreading, certain measures can be effective. Social distancing is one of the ways. Social distancing means keeping a safe distance of at least one meter when we are with other people. Washing hands frequently with soap and running water is also very effective.
Alternatively, we can use hand sanitizers if soap and water are unavailable. Again, wearing masks in public reduces the chances of the spread of the virus.
In addition, we should not touch our eyes, nose and mouth with hands without washing them. If we follow the health rules, take nutritious food, drink a lot of liquid and do light exercise, we can make our immune system stronger and remain safe from COVID-19.
Thus, as CoVID-19 has no cure, prevention is the only way to defeat the disease so far.
Remedies and Treatment of Covid-19
COVID-19 is an infectious disease. It is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2. This virus causes mild to severe respiratory illness. The symptoms include high fever, dry cough, sore throat, muscle ache, loss of taste and smell, breathing problem etc. Patients need to be hospitalized if their oxygen level goes down or if they experience severe breathing difficulties.
Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment or medicine for COVID-19. So, the physicians around the world give symptomatic treatments to COVID patients. Many countries including Bangladesh are trying their best to produce vaccines for COVID-19. A good number of vaccines are already in the trial phase.
However, self-care has been emphasized by the physicians. People are advised to drink plenty of fluid, eat a balanced diet, do light exercise and maintain the rules of hygiene.
Again, if anyone feels sick or shows the symptoms of COVID-19, he or she should stay in a separate room and seek medical help. To reduce the threat of getting infected, everyone should keep a healthy lifestyle.
Importance of Social Distancing
Social distancing has become a common term during the corona virus pandemic. Social distancing means restraining social interactions to the minimum. In fact, it is one of the effective ways of limiting the spread of the highly contagious SARS COV-2 virus.
This corona virus causes COVID-19. The virus spreads from person to person through close contact and the virus can remain a symptomatic for some time. So the experts advise not to get close to the people, especially the outsiders. They also advise not to go out unless it is an emergency.
Besides, at least three feet distance must be maintained from others while we are outside. It is also important to avoid social gatherings like parties and other social and cultural programs. Places like supermarkets, sea beaches, movie theatres, parks and malls must be avoided to reduce the risk of getting the disease. All these will keep us stay away from getting close to outsiders and we may avoid the infection of COVID-19. Thus, social distancing can be effective to keep us safe from coronavirus.
The Necessity of Medical PPE
PPE is the abbreviation for Personal Protective Equipment. It is an outfit designed to protect the wearer from infection. Medical PPE is used by the doctors, nurses, paramedics, microbiologists, chemists etc. It comprises head coverings, gloves, eye protection, surgical masks, high-visibility clothing and safety footwear. A medical PPE can ensure safety of the healthcare workers to a great extent.
Especially during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, they are required to wear PPE to avoid the great risk of getting infection from the COVID patients. Although PPE does not ensure complete safety, it can prevent germs significantly. Medical professionals are the frontline fighters in the war against the invisible enemy. If they stop serving the patients even for a day, the entire healthcare system will collapse. The entire civilization will face extinction without their support. Yet, they are also human beings and have friends and family.
Considering all these, they all should be given the best of the PPE. Thus, PPE can protect the frontline fighter and only then they can protect us.
The Importance of Wearing Mask
One of the preventive measures against COVID-19 is wearing masks. COVID-19 spreads when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. The virus comes out through the nose and mouth in droplets and if a healthy person inhales the droplets, he or she gets affected too. So, it is very important to wear masks when we are outside or among unknown people. Masks may prevent the virus from spreading easily in the air.
Therefore, if a person feels sick, he or she must wear a mask to protect others. A mask may give partial protection to a healthy person if he or she wears it. Though wearing a mask does not ensure complete safety, it slows down the spread of the virus significantly. Before wearing a mask, we have to wash our hands. We should place the mask over our nose and mouth and then secure it under our chin and behind the ears or head. We should not touch or adjust the mask frequently without cleaning our hands. We should use a mask once.
However, the people who do not wear masks are in the risk of being easily infected by COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that masks made of fabrics are more effective than surgical masks. Also, fabric masks are washable, reusable, and more comfortable than other masks. Thus, wearing mask can play a vital in checking COVID-19.
Our Govt. have realized the gravity of the problems of COVID-19. No doubt, the fight against COVID-19 is a multidisciplinary task. Individuals and organisations from all concerned fields must join this. Public awareness is also needed in this respect.