Paragraph about A Tea Stall for HSC

A Tea Stall A tea stall is a small shop where ready tea with some dry foods is served to the customers. It is found in marketplaces, at railway stations, launch ghats and every turn…

Report on Price Hike of Essential Commodities

Q: Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the rising price of essentials Price of essentials increasing Rangamati Correspondent, Rangamati, 20 March 2018: The price of daily necessaries…

dangers of smoking paragraph

Paragraph on Dangers of Smoking for HSC

This is a short paragraph on the Dangers of Smoking. It can also be called as Bad Effect of Smoking, Negative Effects of Smoking, Harmful Effects of Smoking etc. You have to understand word meaning…

Paragraph on Corruption

Paragraph on Corruption in Simple English

Dear students, today I am going to share a short paragraph on corruption in simple English. Hope you will find it helpful. After reading the paragraph, you can be able to: Write paragraph on corruption…


Writing a Short Paragraph on Newspaper

Hey students, here is a short paragraph on newspaper for you. I’ll share new paragraphs on the topic for other classes. Find word meanings in Bengali at the end of this page. Short Paragraph on…

Important Tag Questions for SSC with Answers

We all know that “Practice makes a man perfect”. So practice more and more what you learn. That is why you should practice Tag Questions Examples more and more. Previously I wrote a tutorial on Rules of Tag…